Deloitte Loses Cybersquatting Dispute To Crypto Company

Deloitte Tax & Consulting has brought a cybersquatting suit against a cryptocurrency company that successfully defended its domain name.

A Know Your Customer service, DKYC, is offered by Deloitte.

The domain was registered by Penultimate Media Systems with the opposite purpose of providing anonymity-related cryptocurrency services.

The domain owner abbreviated Deloitte’s service on its website as DKYC, which upset Deloitte.

Adam Taylor, a panelist from the World Intellectual Property Organization, has determined that Deloitte was unable to demonstrate that the domain owner registered and used the domain in bad faith. The domain owner claimed he didn’t know about Deloitte’s trademark and did not target them. With the domain name being used in this manner, it makes sense.

The UDRP, however, appears to have spooked the domain owner. The company will rebrand as ShadowFI, according to a message on its website.

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